
Fistula Update 8/20/2020

Hmm, I feel like I can start a new blog just for daily fistula updates. At the dialysis center, the techs rotate pods (areas) once every three months. The tech that has the most success cannulating me is actually in another pod currently. He usually comes over when he has free time to insert needles in my arm. That’s why my nurse usually connected me through the catheter first so I can start the dialysis treatment, then switch the access point if he is successful.

Today, the tech that’s actually in my pod currently wanted to try again, and she was successful on the first try on both needles. There must still be some differences in technique because it hurt a lot more, even with a lidocaine shot. Once in though, the fistula worked pretty well at the 350 mL/min rate. The nurse still thinks there may be a problem with the fistula, even though they have been pretty successful in using it.

This is what my fistula looks like right now. It’s hard to see in a photo but there are definite bulges where the vein is developing. You can totally feel the blood rushing through the vein and also hear it. They insert the needle in the same spot each day so it keeps scabbing over and the scar never heals.

Which brings me to my scheduled fistulagram tomorrow. Not sure what is involved but I would feel rather stupid if the surgeon can’t find anything wrong since it seems to be working now. Likewise, I’m not sure what to say if he wants to go in again to do something since I don’t want another surgery unless it’s a kidney transplant.

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