
$20 Minimum Wage

I started this blog to vent about living with dialysis and heart failure, but it has become my regular blog. My previous blog had a lot of posts about politics, especially about how shitty the Chinese Communist Party is. Politics is stressful. In California, there is no choice for independent voters since everything is run by Democrats. That in itself is not bad, but with our hyper partisan political environment, any place with a supermajority, either party, is going to see terrible and unaccountable politicans and policies.

I spent almost my entire career in finance, and doing cost versus benefit analysis is second nature. Every business needs to generate enough revenue to cover costs and hopefully generate some profit. I remember the first thing we were asked in business school, “Why is this company in business?” You can talk about all sorts of secondary goals, but the primary reason a for-profit company is formed is to make money. Given that, are there tasks in the company that does not contribute $20/hour to the bottom line? Maybe.


I just saw a new story from NBCLA that mentioned the author of the $20/hour law was in fact SEIU (Service Worker International Union). They seem to have the support of the entire Democratic Party in California to sponsor shitty laws. These are the same assholes that tried to blackmail the dialysis industry three times with bogus voter initiatives. I was on dialysis during that time and all the nurses and technicians said to vote no on the initiatives. All three initiatives failed.

The law has only been in effect for a week, but the train wreck is coming. Unfortunately for those of us living in California and vote independently, we are unwilling passengers on this train.


The last part of the story mentioned that no politician is taking responsibility for the law, even the ones that sponsored the bill. Are we letting unions write laws? The story also said that the SEIU had every politician involved sign a NDA. How is this legit? Are there not transparency laws in California? I guess we will see during the next election which Democrats the SEIU paid off and are responsible for tanking the California economy.

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