Health & Wellness Medication Surgery

Ankle Update 20240427

This is the lates x-ray image from April 22nd. My primary surgeon said it looked fine. Initially he wanted me to keep wearing the walking boot after I told him my physical therapist said not to wear it. However, he changed his mind and gave me an ankle wrap. It is a lot less bulky, and I feel it does help support my bad ankle a lot.

After four weeks of physical therapy, I can definitely feel more flexibility in my ankle, but overall movement will be very limited since the entire joint is fused. I can walk further than before, but there is still soreness in the ankle and calf muscle, and some pain and numbness in the heel. I am still wearing a travel compression sock on my right foot and using a special pillow to raise my lower leg when sleeping. I have four more weeks of physical therapy left. I hope I can walk longer distances without pain and without crutches.


I do think the surgery has aggravated my peripheral neuropathy. I am experiencing much more pain when I lie down, especially if I sleep on my side. I have finished all the Norco prescribed during the ankle surgery, and I find that the oxycodone does not have any effect, even though it is supposed to be a more potent painkiller. Luckily, I found a vial of Norco prescribed to my mom back in 2020. It has long since expired, but they are still able to dull the neuropathy pain. Since I do not have a current prescription, I am using it sparingly on the most intense nerve pain attacks. I should ask my endocrinologist for a refill since she offered to prescribe me gabapentin previously.

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